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Business on the Internet: where to start?

Do you want to build your business on the Internet and become financially independent? Do you dream to visit only “cool parties”, to communicate with representatives of the higher strata of society, to drive a new car and live in an expensive apartment? Then you have to go through a difficult path, which we divide into 3 main parts:

Opening your own business.
Developing it to the status of “successful.”
Scaling up: expanding a working business, opening new projects.
In the article we will talk about the first stage – opening your own business. We’ll tell you where to start, when to turn your attention and what mistakes start-up entrepreneurs make, as well as show a few business ideas.

How to start an online business from scratch – 7 important steps to success

2 What prevents you from creating a successful online business?
Starting a business from scratch on the Internet is difficult. But if you follow the steps clearly, everything should work out. The main thing is to make every effort and work well.

So, let’s begin.

1. What is your value?
The essence of the business – in the exchange of services / goods or some value for money. Do you have something for which people are willing to pay money? For example, you are good at writing texts, you are a good lawyer or a driver who can do something with your own hands. In all these cases – you have a certain value, for which people are ready to part with their money.

How to determine what is your value? Take a piece of paper and write everything that you are good at.

Made? Now leave on this list only what you like to do and cross out the rest. Business is a long creative process, the development of which takes years. Therefore, if you do an unloved business, you will quickly burn out, and it will be very difficult to achieve success.

So, you have a list of what you like to do, go to the next step.

2. Analysis of a business niche – investigating the demand for your product / service
The main task of the business is to generate income for its owner. To understand whether someone wants to buy your product / service, it is necessary to conduct a market research.

business analysis You can determine the demand on the Internet using free tools: Yandex Wordstat and Google Adwords. For this you need to collect the maximum number of search queries for your niche. For example, if you sell Samsung TVs, your audience will search using these words:

If the demand is high, then your services are in demand, and they will be bought. Next, go to the study of its competitors.

To do this, open the search engines Google and Yandex, and carry out a search for the main keywords. Sites in the first 10 positions – this is your competitors. Now the main task is to identify their competitive advantages: prices for products, quality of the site and customer service, availability of discounts, promotions.

3. Correctly position your business and compose USP
Do you have an idea for a business, you have studied the demand on the Internet and analyzed their competitors in the chosen niche. Now the main task is to formulate what is your uniqueness and purpose, and how you can help them. In other words – business positioning.

Suppose you used to work as a marketer in one of the companies in the city. After the dismissal, you decided to create your own business, offering clients the same services as during the days of work at the “boss”. But how to inform potential customers about this? How to make it clear that you can be useful to them?

To do this, you need to create your own website on the Internet on which to place your portfolio, specify the price for your services, information about work experience and feedback on your work, as well as contact details. This will allow potential customers to contact you in the most convenient way.

And most importantly – the formation of a unique sales offer (USP). The proposal may sound like this: “Effective advertising on Google and Yandex. Quickly. Competently. With guaranteed results. ”

UTP is a way of positioning a company / business. Its main task is to inform potential customers about the benefits of working with you. Often a unique selling proposition may have an advertising slogan, like Braun’s company’s “Quality. Reliability. Design.”.

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