Effective email marketing for online stores
E-mail is a service that every Internet user has without exception. And the use of…

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Business ideas for beginners. What a village business gives good returns.
According to many entrepreneurs who opened their businesses in the village from zero, there are…

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Creating and promoting websites: why it is important for business
Today, almost every company has its own representation on the Internet. For the development and…


Marketing optimization
DEADLY MARKETING MISTAKES You do not have a clear marketing strategy. You do not plan…

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from scratch or buying

How to buy a website? Where to buy and how to do it right

Buying a ready-made site can be a great investment with a yield of 40-50% per annum and higher, or an investment of money that will never pay for itself. Of key importance here are the correct analysis and evaluation of the site being purchased, primarily in terms of its attendance and profitability. But an important role is played by the technical component of the site, the promising direction and other points that you should definitely take into account – let’s see in more detail. Continue reading

Ideas for business. What to do in a private house.
Living in a private house is not only clean air and the lack of neighbors…


First of all, it is necessary to determine the main goal that the business value…
