Business taboo: popular excuses from business
Opening a business is quite an interesting and, with the right approach, a profitable occupation.…

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What is business planning
Business planning is a plan to effectively start or continue running your own business or…

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The main stages of the development of an online store
Have you already passed the stage of “birth” of business ideas, and clearly understood that…


Internet marketing - how to promote online business
Running your own business on the Internet is the task of most entrepreneurs. They understand…

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How to protect yourself from fraudsters

Fraudsters and various scam artists existed at almost all times, earning money from the deception of ordinary people. They try to monitor progress and often try to use old and proven techniques in new circumstances. Any person who adheres to certain security measures may well avoid losing money or property.

When you are planning to make a deal, try to find articles and definitions related to your intentions in the laws and legal acts. It is not necessary to go deep into the norms of the law, as you need to deal only with your basic rights and imposed responsibilities. Fraudsters can offer you options for the transaction that are contrary to law or not fully comply with it. Having familiarized yourself with the laws in advance, you can identify these discrepancies and offer to carry out the transaction in the right way, or to abandon it.

The largest transactions should not be carried out with strangers who have no reason to trust. When you have to deal with such partners, carefully check the documents and their authenticity, ask about what seems suspicious to you. You may face indignation or indignation in response to your demands, but you cannot refuse them. If everything is in order, you can apologize for your suspicion, but otherwise you can just lose money.

Be careful about the process of transferring or receiving cash. Exchange can be made only when you are convinced of the transfer of goods or the authenticity of money. The street and the places where it is easy to escape are not suitable for most transactions. Professional fraudsters may quietly replace real money with counterfeit ones in the process of the transaction, after which there will simply be no place to look for them.

If you are selling any product, ask the buyer to walk with you to the nearest ATM. There you can check that he will receive real money for you, or try to transfer money prepared by the buyer to your bank card. Do not settle for transfers to the card if you communicate with strangers. After leaving, they can contact the bank and simply cancel the transaction, citing an error. Try to familiarize yourself with the passport details of buyers, so that in case of problems you should know who exactly to look for.

It is not recommended to give strangers your home address when buying or selling any goods. When you do not know a person and none of your friends can vouch for him, choose neutral territory to meet. Concluding a deal, pay attention to the appearance and behavior of your interlocutors. If they turn out to be fraudsters, this information can help the police in finding or identifying criminals.