Perhaps many people in their life experience a feeling of dissatisfaction with work, low wages,…

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Marketing optimization
DEADLY MARKETING MISTAKES You do not have a clear marketing strategy. You do not plan…

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How to quickly sell your product
If a person has a business connected with the sale of a certain product, then…


How to make landing selling
  The question “how to make a landing page” is asked very often. There are…

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forest plot

How to become a businessman

Initially try on the case that you have conceived on yourself. Try to represent yourself more often in this business. How do you? Is it cozy?

If suddenly you feel any nervousness or a non-comfortable state, then this is not yours. Any client will feel your tension and aggressiveness and go to another entrepreneur, calm and inspiring confidence. Continue reading

Where do we have the “buy” button?

“Our idea of ​​freedom of choice is just ignorance of the real reasons for our decision” (Benedict Spinoza).

“From the informational point of view, the subconscious activity of the earthworm is much more complicated than what our consciousness does with you” (I.N. Pigarev). It is clear that I am not going to confirm or refute this thought, especially in the context of consumer decision-making. Continue reading

In which business is better to work a woman. 6 good directions for the business-woman.

Women are able to work adequately in different industries and in any capacity. However, a family woman has multiple responsibilities that take time and effort. Starting your own business, you need to take this into account in order not to drive yourself into a powerless state. Continue reading

Female business. What to consider and what you can earn well
With a small start-up capital, lack of time (if there are minor children) and experience…


Where do we have the "buy" button?
“Our idea of ​​freedom of choice is just ignorance of the real reasons for our…
