How to quickly sell your product
If a person has a business connected with the sale of a certain product, then…

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The main methods of brand promotion
In a highly competitive environment, brand promotion in the market is an important task for…

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Interaction in business. How to negotiate. 5 required steps.
The goal of most negotiations is to achieve some success in interacting with an opponent…


Business on the Internet: where to start?
Do you want to build your business on the Internet and become financially independent? Do…

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open a profitable enterprise


For different people, the concept of “profitable business” has features. For some, several thousand will be enough, and the other by profitable business means a profit of one million.

To begin, consider the concept of profit. Under the profit understand the difference between the income of the economic entity and total costs. In other words, these are revenues less expenses for taxation, wages, production costs, etc. Continue reading

How to survive in a time of crisis. Wonderful advice from a leading businessman.
In times of crisis, many families experience an acute shortage of finances for buying food…


Where do we have the "buy" button?
“Our idea of ​​freedom of choice is just ignorance of the real reasons for our…
