How to become a businessman
Initially try on the case that you have conceived on yourself. Try to represent yourself…

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The profitability of the company is a relative indicator of economic efficiency. This indicator is…

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Business ideas for beginners. What a village business gives good returns.
According to many entrepreneurs who opened their businesses in the village from zero, there are…


Experience comes in the process.
A beginner entrepreneur thinks to start doing something on his own, he needs experience, he…

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also more troublesome

E-mail marketing to promote an online store: how to beat the competition?

E-mail exists for more than 20 years, for business it is used – 15+ years. Every year the efficiency of working with the audience, using E-mail newsletters is growing.

American University conducted a study that showed that 7% of sales in online stores is a merit of E-mail marketing. Continue reading

Effective email marketing for online stores

E-mail is a service that every Internet user has without exception. And the use of email newsletters to increase sales is a tool that has long been traditional. But for some reason, many online stores use it not efficiently: they use letters only for rare notifications, which often appear in the SPAM folder. Continue reading

Interaction in business. How to negotiate. 5 required steps.
The goal of most negotiations is to achieve some success in interacting with an opponent…


Problems with the authorities. Difficult boss
How often do we hear from familiar phrases “bothers me bosses” or “my boss is…
