How to buy a website? Where to buy and how to do it right
Buying a ready-made site can be a great investment with a yield of 40-50% per…

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Interaction in business. How to negotiate. 5 required steps.
The goal of most negotiations is to achieve some success in interacting with an opponent…

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How to create a home sewing business. Practical expert advice.
Good seamstresses are always in demand and in great demand, respectively, have a good income.…


How to survive in a time of crisis. Wonderful advice from a leading businessman.
In times of crisis, many families experience an acute shortage of finances for buying food…

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can only be solved

Internet marketing – how to promote online business

Running your own business on the Internet is the task of most entrepreneurs. They understand that potential customers spend on the World Wide Web several hours a day. Therefore, creating your own resource, blog, pages in social networks is a justified action.

To attract an audience to their products or services on the Internet help: advertising, SEO-site promotion and many other tools that can be safely attributed to the category of Internet marketing. Continue reading

The main methods of brand promotion

In a highly competitive environment, brand promotion in the market is an important task for any business. And if earlier there were not too many opportunities to form a positive image, and the cost of offline advertising limited opportunities even more, now with the use of Internet technologies one can achieve excellent results even with a relatively small budget. Continue reading

Creating and promoting websites: why it is important for business

Today, almost every company has its own representation on the Internet. For the development and promotion of sites allocated funds from advertising budgets. But not always these funds pay off. And then the business is disappointed in investing in the Internet. But without this component today, business development is difficult to imagine. Let’s understand what causes problems, how to work with sites, and why it is actually important for different types of businesses. Continue reading

How to legally competently create an online store?
When creating online stores, there is always the question of whether its creators need to…


In which business is better to work a woman. 6 good directions for the business-woman.
Women are able to work adequately in different industries and in any capacity. However, a…
