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Effective business promotion: ideas and solutions

Any company needs customers and customers; First of all, it is on them that the promotion of business is aimed, regardless of whether the Internet, traditional advertising or any other methods are used for this. But how to determine which investments will really pay off and make a profit, and what will be a waste of money? Where not to do without the help of professionals, and what really to do on their own? What are the ways to promote business in different areas? Let’s figure it out together.

Promotion of own business. Where to begin?

The most important thing for effective business promotion is to understand right from the outset who your customer is, and also to clearly define your sales geography. Let’s start with the last, as with the simplest:

If you open a shop or a workshop that will only work with residents of nearby houses, your business will not need any advertising on the Internet or TV advertising. Enough beautiful signage and quality service. And the best advertising for you will be “word of mouth”.
For a company that seeks to work with the residents of a certain area, it’s worth thinking about advertising in public transport, distributing flyers, and decorating advertising signs. Also worth thinking about promoting on the Internet. For example, create a group in social networks or advertise in communities.
And if your geography of sales covers at least a large city, promotion of business on the Internet will become one of the most profitable and effective promotion tools.
Once you have decided on the geography of sales and an approximate list of advertising methods that it makes sense to pay attention, it is time to draw up a portrait of your buyer. Any advertising and business promotion necessarily take into account this crucial parameter. It is necessary to speak with the buyer in his language, focus his attention on solving his problems and those advantages that are close and clear to him.

How to make a portrait of a buyer?

If an existing business needs advertising, a portrait of the buyer can be made based on the practice of your sales. A very convenient method is to survey customers. Create an advertising campaign or bonus system for which you must fill out a questionnaire. Let your customers tell about themselves.

What to do if business promotion from scratch is required? In this case, you will have to focus on common sense, as well as study the work of competitors. In principle, for the first time this will be enough, and in the future the portrait of your customer can always be clarified.

In addition, today there are a huge number of companies that are ready to offer you their business promotion services. If you plan to use their services, then the stages of determining the geography of sales, drawing up a portrait of the buyer, and even the choice of priority methods can be provided to professionals.

Briefly about advertising methods: performance comparison
Almost always, when discussing business promotion, business advertising becomes the main topic, because it attracts customers and buyers to any business. Today, there are many methods of advertising both on the Internet and beyond. We list the most common:

TV and radio advertising (advertising videos and audio clips, treadmill, etc.) Works well for increasing brand awareness, increasing the level of trust. Such business promotion companies are mainly used by large corporations, retail chains, etc.
Bigboards. Effective in the same areas as television advertising, but they operate within a particular locality or even a district, that is, in the places of their direct installation.
Distribution of leaflets. The method is still used by small companies and shops to attract customers. The main target audience – people with low incomes, mostly elderly, who do not use the Internet.
Internet advertising is a very voluminous concept that includes your own website, work with social networks, advertisements, banners, and much more. It gives the opportunity to segment the target audience (advertising is shown only to potentially interested persons), allows you to proceed to the ordering (purchase) right after the advertisement, effective sales are possible with a small budget.

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