Treachery: a phenomenon and tradition. In life and business
After some event related to the topic, I paid attention to the philosophical and psychological research in this area, and it turned out (yes!)! Firstly, the phenomenon is quite widespread in life in general and in business in particular (not to be confused with “Kickbacks” and deception are different things); secondly, it is traumatic, very painful for the person, leaving the deepest wounds and feelings – both of whom and of who; thirdly, a rather confused event, accompanied by sophisticated self-explanations and self-flagellation, and finally, not the most studied phenomenon in psychology and very little illuminated for business.
Although, it must be said, it happens on a small and large scale at every step …
So, when and with whom, who is predisposed, who and what provokes, how to avoid what to do in the case. How to check a person, for example, a business partner, on the subject of inclination? …
An animal that betrayed a flock usually dies. Therefore, they have this not accepted, so to speak, at the genetic level. So these are people! And the closer to each other, the more unexpected and painful. In accessible psychological, philosophical, fiction and religious sources, there is even a gradation of the severity of perfect betrayal. And the most serious is betrayal, who would you think? Husband \ wife? Relative? Friend? Not! Teachers! And companion. A teacher who has invested a part of his soul and transferred his life skills (survival) to a student. And why the composer? From the cave times, the joint risk of food extraction and the joint feast remain a subconscious attribute of the survival of human society. Betrayal of co-seekers of food is the same as sending them to starvation. Is it possible to draw an analogy between the ancient search of prey and modern business partnership?
A close person who trusts you (a four-legged or double friend, a group of people, a company, a country). Those. treason can be called an unexpected, in any excuse, self-accepted refusal to fulfill its obligations to those who have entrusted (entrusted) to you their future. It was not just that the biblical Judas (by the way, the treasurer of the entire company) surrendered his teacher after a big joint feast. In business, they usually betray: a grown-up company, who has learned and transferred his skills to a boss, a fledgling colleague-colleague, and trusted his companions companions in the future.
Usually at the most unexpected and inappropriate moment. And the harder it is.
What is different from cheating? The difference of sensations.
Philosophical and religious significance. For some reason, the path of Christ to the resurrection and salvation of mankind lay through betrayal.
True face
Usually the accomplished ones are guided by the alleged choice of their own expression, prospects, opportunities, interests of third parties, i.e. space of options. And, of course, at the very moment these “best” options turn up. Moreover, in the accomplishment of such a “feat” in their own (and then in the eyes of this action), the most beautiful and striking arguments are set up.
So it was necessary for the cause … Usually, their own sole interests are disguised as group interests. The action itself usually occurs spontaneously, unconsciously, but the justification is constructed in the process or after. Think for blurring someone else’s eyes? No – for closing the mouth of his conscience. I repeat, the justification or justification of such an act is usually quite rational, reasonable and even with mathematical calculations.
What then?
All the bitterness of betrayal falls on the chest of a devotee? Not at all! This is only an insult, which, like any psychotrauma, should be quickly eliminated – forgive yourself, if possible, by turning off your mind with alcohol or with the help of a specialist. And the sooner the better!
But the one who betrayed is much more interesting. First, he (she) finds more and more new explanations, rationalizes the expediency of what happened. Then he begins to talk publicly about this, to seek the support and justification of those around him. Then, in the unwillingness to see and remind oneself in any way, one wants to get rid of the object of betrayal and circumstances, ranging from avoiding all the way to the death wish of both the devotee and all eyewitnesses. This, of course, is a serious psychoenergy that does not go away without a trace. And only sometimes comes recognition and remorse …
Is there a payback?
Is always. No matter how you treat the karmic laws and the will of the Almighty, whatever you sow, you reap, treachery is born and follows betrayal. In our business slang, this is called “return flow”. In other words, you betrayed – you will be betrayed. Thus, if something so “offensive” happened – look for reasons not outside, but in the field that they themselves sowed. “Loving” on the side, having sown their sex interests above loyalty (the explanation is “I am a male!”, “I am not guilty – he came”, etc.), sooner or later he will reap the rewards in relations with relatives.