possible to draw an analogy
System for recognizing buyers return
The basis of any direction in the business is the presence of loyal customers or customers. Web analytics systems provide multiple variations of viewing data on the return of visitors to the site.
For each category of business, it is stipulated that they have their own laws regarding returns of users to the Internet resource and repeated sales. There are several options for re-visiting the site. Continue reading
Treachery: a phenomenon and tradition. In life and business
After some event related to the topic, I paid attention to the philosophical and psychological research in this area, and it turned out (yes!)! Firstly, the phenomenon is quite widespread in life in general and in business in particular (not to be confused with “Kickbacks” and deception are different things); secondly, it is traumatic, very painful for the person, leaving the deepest wounds and feelings – both of whom and of who; thirdly, a rather confused event, accompanied by sophisticated self-explanations and self-flagellation, and finally, not the most studied phenomenon in psychology and very little illuminated for business. Continue reading