How to create a business in the Internet?
Business is created only in two cases:
– to meet their own needs
– to meet the needs of the consumer
The first business, which was created to meet its own needs, will fail in 2-3 months with a 95% probability. Why?
The first business needs to be created only to meet the existing needs of an existing customer. And already when financial freedom is achieved, only then can we develop new business areas to meet our own needs.
Therefore, any calls to find something that you really like and create on the basis of this business are a delusion of a madman or a scam.
The exception is when the satisfaction of the businessman’s own needs coincides with the needs of the client. But such cases are rare.
The exception is also the cases when you don’t put all your fortune “on the map” for the sake of creating an Internet business, and you are doing it without hoping to earn millions on it, but with a clear awareness that you will only satisfy your own need for self-expression or your favorite by deed. Or, speaking in psychological terms, you will not create undue importance where it does not objectively exist.
Online store
Suppose you decide to create your online store. Where to begin? Consultants to create a business on the Internet may advise you to purchase an online store. There is a high probability that most businessmen who have begun to act will do just that. Because, in order to meet the needs of your loved one, you want to create something “serious, big, beautiful and forever.”
To get started, create a 1-page site on which to describe your hobby. Then try to “unwind” it. And try to evoke a need from potential customers for what you are going to sell. Only in the event that the need is detected and you receive bids or offers, only then start a business.
Starting and continuing a business
Many business coaches say: – The main thing to start. Start doing anything.
I’ll tell you what to start is nothing. Getting started is the same result as birth or death. Your birth does not guarantee you that you will become rich, and your death cannot be a confirmation that you will live your life happily. Indeed, in life the main thing is the process, therefore in business the main thing is not to begin, but to continue.
Business coaches who receive real money from you for conducting their own trainings with payment on the day of the training, teach you to create a business urgently. When, in a month, your business in which you have already invested cash, begins to curl, you will again come to the same trainers and buy from them for your cash money with payment on the day of the training a new training course on the topic “How to cram a client the client does not need. ”
Business creation conditions
Experienced businessmen do not start a business until they fulfill two prerequisites:
1. Conducting a marketing study of the real capacity of the consumer market.
2. Drawing up a business plan.
Someone else’s experience
Suppose you are on the Internet – not new. You have been browsing various pages for a long time, paying attention to the buttons with the words “Buy” or “Add to order”, and therefore one day you realize that there are people who make money on the Internet.
If you also want to become an Internet entrepreneur, then it’s tempting to not invent a bicycle, but to copy an existing business. The idea is very sensible! Only in practice, it is not the essence of the business that is copied, but only its form. And copying the form of business becomes the opening of your online store.
What will be a convincing and final argument in favor of opening an online store? Naturally, the positive experience of another person according to the principle “If he succeeded, then why am I worse?” An aspiring entrepreneur with ambitious ambitions read a lot of esoteric literature with the calls “If a person wants something, the whole Universe wants the same” and will be absolutely sure that for the successful development of any business it is enough just … desire. Well, if there is a desire, and the experience of other people shows that making big money on the Internet is quite real, then why not start?
Well, where to start an internet business? Naturally, with the purchase of an online store! Dollars, commercials, for 500 or 2000. So, the online store is bought, the prospects are very bright … What’s next?
Common mistakes of beginning Internet entrepreneurs
The following postulates seem obvious, but often they do not adhere to and violate.
– The quality of the online store does not affect the quality of the goods that are sold in the online store.
– The quality of the online store does not affect the volume of sales.
– The quality of the online store and the product sold through it does not affect the ability of the owner of the online store to conduct business.