The main stages of the development of an online store
Have you already passed the stage of “birth” of business ideas, and clearly understood that…

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Interaction in business. How to negotiate. 5 required steps.
The goal of most negotiations is to achieve some success in interacting with an opponent…

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Psychological aspect of career growth: every gesture is important
Work is not just a list of duties that we perform for money. First of…


Features of the acquisition of ready Ltd.
Each of us knows that time is money. This expression especially concerns the moment when…

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The main methods of brand promotion

In a highly competitive environment, brand promotion in the market is an important task for any business. And if earlier there were not too many opportunities to form a positive image, and the cost of offline advertising limited opportunities even more, now with the use of Internet technologies one can achieve excellent results even with a relatively small budget. Continue reading

Accounting services for business: features of the provision
Despite a good education and knowledge of the details and features of the business, it…


Car service promotion: effective methods of promotion
As in any advertising, it is very important to understand who your potential client is…
