The profitability of the company is a relative indicator of economic efficiency. This indicator is…

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Effective email marketing for online stores
E-mail is a service that every Internet user has without exception. And the use of…

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In which business is better to work a woman. 6 good directions for the business-woman.
Women are able to work adequately in different industries and in any capacity. However, a…


The main stages of the development of an online store
Have you already passed the stage of “birth” of business ideas, and clearly understood that…

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certain amount of time

How to profitably sell traffic from the site

One of the most popular methods of earning online is to sell traffic from the site. If you have an interesting and, most importantly, visited resource, with the help of some actions it can be made a source of permanent passive income. Those. you will simply develop your resource, add new content, attract visitors to discuss various issues and do everything that you did before, and at the same time receive a certain income. Continue reading