How to buy a website? Where to buy and how to do it right
Buying a ready-made site can be a great investment with a yield of 40-50% per…

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Psychological aspect of career growth: every gesture is important
Work is not just a list of duties that we perform for money. First of…

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Where do we have the "buy" button?
“Our idea of ​​freedom of choice is just ignorance of the real reasons for our…


Psychological aspect of career growth: every gesture is important
Work is not just a list of duties that we perform for money. First of…

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person has a desire

Problems with the authorities. Difficult boss

How often do we hear from familiar phrases “bothers me bosses” or “my boss is a tyrant”? Sometimes disagreement with the boss becomes the main cause of dismissal. Do not rush.

difficult boss
It is important to understand why a person has a desire to put other people in a situation of discomfort, and sometimes to humiliate him. Continue reading

Problems with the authorities. Difficult boss
How often do we hear from familiar phrases “bothers me bosses” or “my boss is…


The main stages of the development of an online store
Have you already passed the stage of “birth” of business ideas, and clearly understood that…
