How to protect yourself from fraudsters
Fraudsters and various scam artists existed at almost all times, earning money from the deception…

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How to survive in a time of crisis. Wonderful advice from a leading businessman.
In times of crisis, many families experience an acute shortage of finances for buying food…

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Effective email marketing for online stores
E-mail is a service that every Internet user has without exception. And the use of…


Problems with the authorities. Difficult boss
How often do we hear from familiar phrases “bothers me bosses” or “my boss is…

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facial expressions

Family business

Starting a business is the most acute and painful moment in the relationship of family members. Often it happens that, before it even begins to get the first profit, the family falls apart, and the business is liquidated.

However, problems can be avoided, it is enough to approach the organization and adjustment of the functioning of the company. Continue reading

Accounting services for business: features of the provision

Despite a good education and knowledge of the details and features of the business, it never hurts to take advantage of the help of a specialist in the introduction of accounting.

At the moment there are several computer programs for keeping records and reporting, which can be difficult to understand. Continue reading

Treachery: a phenomenon and tradition. In life and business

After some event related to the topic, I paid attention to the philosophical and psychological research in this area, and it turned out (yes!)! Firstly, the phenomenon is quite widespread in life in general and in business in particular (not to be confused with “Kickbacks” and deception are different things); secondly, it is traumatic, very painful for the person, leaving the deepest wounds and feelings – both of whom and of who; thirdly, a rather confused event, accompanied by sophisticated self-explanations and self-flagellation, and finally, not the most studied phenomenon in psychology and very little illuminated for business. Continue reading

How to protect yourself from fraudsters
Fraudsters and various scam artists existed at almost all times, earning money from the deception…


For different people, the concept of "profitable business" has features. For some, several thousand will…
