Making a high quality business plan
The maximum efficiency of all processes in the management of a company can be achieved…

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Family business
Starting a business is the most acute and painful moment in the relationship of family…

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Accounting services for business: features of the provision
Despite a good education and knowledge of the details and features of the business, it…


The most important elements of success in infobusiness.
In this article, I want to talk to you about the main elements of success…

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personally instructs

How to increase sales and make them effective

There are hundreds of ways and methods to increase sales, but not all of them are effective for each specific case or store. But it can be distinguished from a huge number of special techniques common, which will suit almost any store, regardless of direction.

1. The range of products. A wide range – a guarantee that there will be a greater number of buyers. Also important is the qualitative composition of the range. Continue reading

Problems with the authorities. Difficult boss

How often do we hear from familiar phrases “bothers me bosses” or “my boss is a tyrant”? Sometimes disagreement with the boss becomes the main cause of dismissal. Do not rush.

difficult boss
It is important to understand why a person has a desire to put other people in a situation of discomfort, and sometimes to humiliate him. Continue reading

How to become a businessman
Initially try on the case that you have conceived on yourself. Try to represent yourself…


For different people, the concept of "profitable business" has features. For some, several thousand will…
