Car service promotion: effective methods of promotion
As in any advertising, it is very important to understand who your potential client is…

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Accounting services for business: features of the provision
Despite a good education and knowledge of the details and features of the business, it…

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Business on the Internet: where to start?
Do you want to build your business on the Internet and become financially independent? Do…


Internet marketing - how to promote online business
Running your own business on the Internet is the task of most entrepreneurs. They understand…

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trading technology

What is a sales funnel, what is its feature and where does it apply

Sales Funnel – sales funnel from English. This technology in marketing first appeared in the United States in 1898 (developed by lawyer Elias Lewis), and is successfully used in our time around the world.

In business, the sales funnel is a unique method of working with the audience, which allows you to follow the “journey” of potential customers from the moment they become familiar with the offer (first touch) to a successful transaction (purchase). Continue reading

Experience comes in the process.
A beginner entrepreneur thinks to start doing something on his own, he needs experience, he…


Problems with the authorities. Difficult boss
How often do we hear from familiar phrases “bothers me bosses” or “my boss is…
