Car service promotion: effective methods of promotion
As in any advertising, it is very important to understand who your potential client is…

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How to profitably sell traffic from the site
One of the most popular methods of earning online is to sell traffic from the…

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Experience comes in the process.
A beginner entrepreneur thinks to start doing something on his own, he needs experience, he…


Interaction in business. How to negotiate. 5 required steps.
The goal of most negotiations is to achieve some success in interacting with an opponent…

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customer reviews


First of all, it is necessary to determine the main goal that the business value calculation process has. There are two possible options.

The first option – the cost is necessary for the implementation of certain legal actions. That is, you need to receive a formal opinion in the form of an “Evaluation Report”, which will be prepared by an independent appraiser, who is licensed to carry out this procedure. Continue reading

Business on the Internet: where to start?

Do you want to build your business on the Internet and become financially independent? Do you dream to visit only “cool parties”, to communicate with representatives of the higher strata of society, to drive a new car and live in an expensive apartment? Then you have to go through a difficult path, which we divide into 3 main parts: Continue reading

Effective business promotion: ideas and solutions

Any company needs customers and customers; First of all, it is on them that the promotion of business is aimed, regardless of whether the Internet, traditional advertising or any other methods are used for this. But how to determine which investments will really pay off and make a profit, and what will be a waste of money? Where not to do without the help of professionals, and what really to do on their own? Continue reading

What is business planning
Business planning is a plan to effectively start or continue running your own business or…


Problems with the authorities. Difficult boss
How often do we hear from familiar phrases “bothers me bosses” or “my boss is…
